Design Styles: Grandmillenial

Welcome to the first blog in a series to help you get to know more about different design styles and learn what the right fit is for you and your home.

Lets start with a very trendy design style that I only recently learned existed! I have always loved the elements that make up this style but considered it more of a mish-mash of other styles rather than a separate entity. It is important to note that elements of a design style are not necessarily unique to that style and there will often be some overlap between styles. This style is rooted in traditional design style with a twist.

Without further ado, today we will be discussing the hugely popular ‘grandmillenial’ design, sometimes dubbed “granny chic” design. This style likes to incorporate unexpected, playful elements in each space and pops of colour, whereas more ‘classic’ homes generally keep things more refined and neutral. Rooms decorated in a grandmillenial style use classic furniture styles and drapery, but add interest with plenty of colour and pattern mixing in the fabrics used. The colours utilised are well balanced to make an impact without feeling overly intense. A range of textural elements are also incorporated to to add depth and interest to the space.

The grandmillenial style places an emphasis on integrating unique, eccentric pieces into the design, creating spaces that are highly personalised to the individual. Grandmillenial design is a protest against highly streamlined modern interiors and neutral colour palettes in favour of spaces that feel homey and offer more variety. The mixing of old and new that is inherent in this design style promotes a more sustainable way to purchase furnishings. The mixing of old and new nurtures a sense of nostalgia, while still creating a space that feels fresh and full of energy.

Some key elements I have pulled from the grandmillenial style:

  • Incorporating reclaimed, classic style furniture pieces in the space

  • Reupholstering older furniture in bright colours and patterns

  • Utilising a range of colours and patterns, particularly traditional florals such as chintz

  • Adding a range of textural elements

  • Adding unexpected or bold decor and furniture pieces

  • Utilising wallpaper with fun patterns

  • Layering rugs, throws and cushions to add to the cosy factor

  • Incorporating plenty of lamps and sconces for the perfect mood lighting

Is the grandmillenial style for you? I love the vibrance and youthfulness this style offers, while still retaining that feeling of cosiness. Remember that even if you like certain elements of this style, there are no rules when it comes to designing your space. You can mix several design styles together to create a space that feels uniquely you. To achieve the perfect look for you, reach out to Sunbeam Studio, Sydney’s leading interior designers, for all of your interior needs.

interior design, grandmillenial style, fun, colourful, exciting, eccentric, eclectic, classic twist, pattern mixing

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