Top 5 Tips to declutter your home

Before we get stuck into these tips, I want to point out that maintaining a clutter free home isn’t just a matter of going through the decluttering process once, it is a mindset to have that requires ongoing revisions. It requires adopting a different viewpoint to consider if the items in your home warrant the space they take up and what you should let go of to live more freely. Removing clutter in your home has been linked to to a reduction in stress levels, an increased ability to focus and improved sleep quality. If you are dreading the decluttering process, I hope these tips can make your journey more relaxing and dare I say, enjoyable?

Marie Kondo it (Kinda)

The principles of Marie Kondo’s decluttering can be helpful – to a point. It’s definitely a good idea to consider if an item sparks joy when deciding whether to keep or donate it. However if you have several items that spark joy but have no real use and are just eating up storage space then you might need to take more of a hard line approach with your decluttering. This often occurs with sentimental items of your children or from your own childhood. It is completely reasonable to keep some items, but try to limit keeping this type of item to a few boxes at a maximum.

Decluttering tips

Tackle It In Stages

If you try to take on too many spaces at once you might end up feeling overwhelmed and not notice much of a difference in your home. Be targeted with your decluttering, hone in on a particular problem area, for example your wardrobe. If even that area feels overwhelming it, narrow it down again. For example if you can remember recently seeing a jumper that you never reach for, start with that category. Put on a wardrobe clearout video in the background to inspire you. Decluttering in short bursts in a targeted way is a lot more manageable, and if you’re lucky you might end up “in the zone” and feeling motivated to tackle another section.


Try to keep a portion of your space clear so that you can group similar objects you come across. When you begin decluttering and doing this, it may feel like the space is getting more cluttered, not less. However, it is important to see everything out to identify any duplicates you may have so you can store them together and prevent more unnecessary purchases. Consider donating your duplicates if they are not utilised often. Remember that by removing duplicates you are freeing up space to store more “worthy” items. Purchasing organising aids like baskets and stackable boxes can be a great help during this process.

Decluttering guide

Time Yourself

If you are decluttering an area that needs a lot of time and attention, consider setting a time limit so you don’t feel too frustrated with it. The garage can be a major problem area and may be so full and disorganised that it is impossible to start with a specific category. Instead set a manageable time limit for you, it may be an hour, it may be 15 minutes if it’s something you struggle to do. Consider taking a picture before you start decluttering so even if it feels like progress is slow, you can see the difference you are making on the space.

Allow Yourself One Junk Drawer

I’m not a complete monster. There are some small bits and pieces that you don’t have enough of to store separately but still want to keep. Having a junk drawer – a well organised one – is completely acceptable as long as it is just that, one. It can be hard to ignore the voice in your head saying “..but what if I need it.” Try to be ruthless with yourself when it comes to things like excess cords (especially if you don’t even know their purpose) and random knick knacks you are unlikely to use, even if you don’t like the thought of wasting them. If you are reluctant to simply discard these items, list them for free on a local Facebook group and you might be surprised how quickly someone takes them off your hands. In your new and improved drawer, make sure you take the time to categorise items as in the step above so that you can actually find things when you need them.

Clutter-free home

For help optimising your storage solutions and other home improvements, reach out to Sunbeam Studio, Sydney’s leading interior design studio, to design your dream home. Our top priority is to create a home that meets and exceeds your functionality requirements while also matching your desired aesthetic.


Design Styles: Japandi


Design Styles: Grandmillenial